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Pepsi 60 years in Russia clck.ru/GZFaj
#always starts with # Pepsi60
Today, it seems that all cultures are mixed into one, but in fact, they are closely connected and intertwined. We will analyze the image of Morgenstern and modern mumble-rappers and find the origins of modern Russian culture.
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#ТОПЛЕС #ЯНТОПЛЕС #ЯНЛАПОТКОВ #TOPLES #всетольконачинается #Pepsi60
#morgenshtern #моргенштерн #новый_реп #мамбл_рэп #рэп #hip_hop #gone_fludd #гон_флад_мамбл
SOURCES: clck.ru/Gajxt
On the release worked:
Yan Lapotkov
Vadim Kulikov
Yuriy Katovsky
Alexandra Sivtsova
Andrey Savelyev
Katya Adaricheva
Secret designer God level
Thanks for creating subtitles to Ivan Korobov.